Migrating sites from a crashed Vista to Windows 8

so vista machine took dive, data ok. installed windows 8, wasn't able migrate sites over, had clean install. have many .ste files, not all.


instead managed find old vista registry site data. trying import/copy somehow transfer old site keys on windows 8 registry. here's i'm at:


  1. opened regedit.exe
  2. clicked on hkey_users (so load hive not grayed out)
  3. clicked load hive (this loads old registry can edit/copy)
  4. browsed old vista registry (found under users/[name]/ntuser.dat)
  5. pasted in "ntuser.dat", again in next dialogue box (ntuser.dat doesn't show up, somehow there! paste "ntuser.dat" twice, , trust machine, ha!)
  6. browsed in newly loaded vista "hive" to: software\adobe\common\12.0\sites\


i see long list of sites, data there, stuck @ next step copy on




i tried exporting sites registry, importing, didn't right, data wasn't copied.

you can copy key, no paste.


anyone had recover sites before? last step great.

you have not .ste files.  have imported ones have site > manage sites yet?



nancy o.

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