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Thread: Multiboot USB - Grub 2 - ISOs - GParted - "initrd1" ????

i'm setting 8gb flash drive contain array of isos allows me chain load. found directions on pendrivelinux , began run accordingly.

got running current grub config:

grub # grub.cfg file created lance # suggested entries , suggestor, if available, noted.  set timeout=10 set default=0  menuentry "ubuntu 11.10 32 bit" {  loopback loop /home/isos/ubuntu32.iso  linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/home/isos/ubuntu32.iso noeject noprompt splash --  initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz }  menuentry "ubuntu 11.10 64 bit" {  loopback loop /home/isos/ubuntu64.iso  linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/home/isos/ubuntu64.iso noeject noprompt splash --  initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz }  menuentry "gparted live" {       set isofile="/home/isos/gparted.iso"       loopback loop $isofile       linux (loop)/live/vmlinuz boot=live config union=aufs noswap noprompt vga=788 ip=frommedia toram=filesystem.squashfs findiso=$isofile       initrd (loop)/live/initrd.img }  menuentry "clonezilla live" { set isofile="/home/isos/clonezilla.iso" loopback loop $isofile  linux (loop)/live/vmlinuz boot=live live-config noswap nolocales edd=on nomodeset ocs_live_run=\"ocs-live-general\" ocs_live_extra_param=\"\" ocs_live_keymap=\"\" ocs_live_batch=\"no\" ocs_lang=\"\" vga=788 ip=frommedia nosplash toram=filesystem.squashfs findiso=$isofile initrd (loop)/live/initrd.img }  menuentry "dban" {  loopback loop /home/isos/dban.iso  linux (loop)/dban.bzi nuke="dwipe" iso-scan/filename=/dban.iso silent -- }
however, got tripped on gparted entry. after googling "gparted grub2 iso boot" found link here:

has entry booting grub 2:

menuentry "gparted live" {       set isofile="/home/isos/gparted-live-0.5.2-9.iso"       loopback loop $isofile       linux (loop)/live/vmlinuz1 boot=live config union=aufs noswap noprompt vga=788 ip=frommedia toram=filesystem.squashfs findiso=$isofile       initrd (loop)/live/initrd1.img     }
once booted gparted, received error saying need load kernel first. began @ entry , compare others. noticed gparted entry listed on site had entries "initrd1" , "vmlinuz1", yet others did not. on hunch, removed "1" both, , gparted boots fine.

concern basically, scoop here? "safe"? don't want gparted crap when need because switched kernel using or whatever. if can fill in gaps, great.

edit - below section solved via link: (still curious what's posted above, though)

secondly, have question. both gparted , clonezilla minor error when booting... saying tone of:

vga=788 deprecated. use set gfxpayload=800x600x16, 800x600 before linux command instead.

use 800x600? x16 throws me off bit. passes error , seems load fine after, i'd rather ask , make sure while i'm making thread.


edit - lastly, possible add ultimate boot cd menu? i'm not sure grub 2 "menuentry" should ubcd... can't find anywhere...

hey, thanks!

put multiboot usb stick hadn't got around getting clonezilla , few other iso images configured. code me on way using other choosing distributions. going through helps me understand process and, if sees off base , explains why, can learn something, too.

far 'is safe' consider happening here. me, amazing feat of software engineering way down in bowels of backstage. study learn boot process , file system handling in systems.

grub first mount iso if hard drive or similar device bios mounted boot partition launch grub.

transfers execution operating system on mounted file system. means grub has able find file on iso file system , that file needs able use file system make system go.

note these custom cd images gparted, clonezilla, or whatever need operating system underneath featured app. depend upon os file support, video, keyboard, , on.

linux, initrd initial, memory based, os sets , loads drivers , whatnot vmlinuz, kernel runs applications, has needs thing.

grub items doing telling grub first set iso file system , providing path linux kernel boot files along set of parameters pass along kernel. 'dban' entry 1 contrast , comparison os provided in way different usual linux boot.

finding proper names initrd , kernel image files necessary grub boot them. after , running, have linux environment needed gparted or whatever run , it should 'safe' in environment if booting directly cd.

need figure out whether or not (and how) boot other systems. how see loop system grub gives them? need own drivers or, perhaps, use via bios mechanisms?

of course, if want use gparted work of usb stick has iso images on it, you'd want run program , environment off device. that's what's nice multi-boot usb stick allows messing systems permanently installed drive without having interference between software being used , storage medium being manipulated.

re "vga=788 deprecated. use set gfxpayload=800x600x16, 800x600 before linux command instead. ... use 800x600? x16 throws me off bit." -- current list of kernal supported video modes (these hex values , tables around in various places). '16' color bit depth. since these utility cd images need run on many machines, set video common denominator.

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